Monday, December 12, 2011

Dear Diary
God is really making provision through people, now if I win this, there will be no excuse...I have been wanting a treadmill and I could get work done....alright if I am able to acquire this tread desk...then I will know w/o a shadow of a doubt, that it was okay for me to have my Forbidden Chocolate & that I can actually forgive myself for all of the senseless calorie consumption.  But then again, working while working out sounds like too much work....and we all know too much of a good thing is not ever really good for you; that's how I got in this mess to start with too much ice cream, yeah and it was good!  I think I will pass on this, unless God blesses me to win it or someone to buy it for me.  But this is a great idea, just wish they come up with a greater idea, like  a machine that works out for you & you dont have to actually do any I'd buy a machine like that!

Diary of a Mad Fat Woman