Dear Diary,

I bought baby food siking myself out, trying a new baby food diet, I ate 3 big jars and still hungry. Master Jashua who is 3 yrs.old looked at me like 'mama really'! Anyway I got him playing baby now... I eat a spoon, he eats a spoon, these 20 jars left dont stand a chance...smh! I wish there were flavors, like Chocolate...I'd even take Edy's French or Double Vanilla baby food....I'm tired of banana; besides that's really a grown womanly flavor, got me thinking of Banana shaped things. Maybe I should eat apple flavor, but then I might start wanting a butt lift and a pair of apple bottom jeans. Lord please keep my mind, I never thought baby food could be so tempting! No wonder these kids grow up so fast....huh(sighing)!